Dynasty warriors: godseekers unfolds during the chaotic end days of the han dynasty, when ancient china was overwhelmed by uprisings and internal strife within its imperial court.. Dynasty warriors: godseekers unfolds during the chaotic end days of the han dynasty, when ancient china was overwhelmed by uprisings and internal strife within its imperial court.. Dynasty warriors: godseekers unfolds during the chaotic end days of the han dynasty, when ancient china was overwhelmed by uprisings and internal strife within its imperial court..
Dynasty warriors: godseekers will come to the playstation 4 and playstation vita in north america on january 31, 2017. it will arrive in europe on february 1, 2017. it will arrive in europe on. Familiar dynasty warriors officers will also appear in addition to zhao yun, the protagonist of this story, 61 officers will also take part and bring this story alive, fighting along with lei bin and lixia.. Dynasty warriors (
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